SPIRIT Final Workshop, October 22nd, 2021

The SPIRIT Final Workshop was held on October 22nd in Milan, Italy. Due to the unfortunate pandemic situation, that has impacted every social activity, the event planned as a hybrid (physical and cyber) Conference.
The main topics foreseen for the agenda were the following:
• Showcasing of SPIRIT in action, with in depth use case definitions and Law Enforcement reflections.
• A high calibre panel discussion on Privacy, Ethics and Regulatory frameworks, opposite the use of AI/ML in Law Enforcement.
• An open presentation and discussion among four sister projects (AIDA, PREVISION, REACT, SPIRIT) that have been working in parallel during the Horizon-2020 period.
The invitation to attend the meeting was send to all the project partners, as well as to sectorial stakeholders and end-user communities and some additional guest suggested by the SPIRIT Ethics Advisory Panel, such as a representative from the EUROPOL and EUROJUST and other authorities. sectorial stakeholders and end-user communities
As indicated in the event agenda the SPIRIT Final Workshop was structured in 9 sessions:
• Session 1: The H2020 Project in a nutshell
• Session 2: Demo - SPIRIT prototype and the Identity Resolution Service
• Session 3: SPIRIT Privacy and Ethics, setting the scene
• Session 4: Social Graph Construction/ Image, Video and Audio Analytics, Sense-Making Workspace / Identity Resolution, Scalable Graph Infrastructure, Multi-Purpose Semantic Crawling/Semantic Social Graph Construction
• Session 5: Round Table Panel Discussion: “Fighting Crime & Terrorism vs preserving privacy in the frame of the new AI regulations”
• Session 6: Spirit Security and Ethics related tasks, addressing the challenges
• Session 7: Sister projects
• Session 8: Training Experts Board (ETAB) and Evaluation Results
• Session 9: Questions & Answers